
一齊Rojak Mou? Let’s Rojak Together

This is a long-term project that creates a series of videos to introduce Malaysia to non-Malaysians. We hope to shorten the distance between Malaysians and non-Malaysians by improving non-Malaysians’ understanding of Malaysia. We will introduce deep topics including Malaysian arts, education system, story of our grandparents and many more, in a fun way.

Top 6 Videos

EP1: “Let’s Rojak Together” Project Introduction

Sep 5, 2020

EP 11: Education System in Hong Kong vs Malaysia (Part 1)

Feb 6, 2021

Project M: Episode 1

Aug 28, 2021

咖喱maggi的三種花式吃法 Curry 3 levels of MAGGI CURRY from basic to professional

Jun 26, 2021

你知唔知我講乜啊?香港廣東話用詞vs馬來西亞廣東話用詞 Do you understand me? Hong Kong vs Malaysian in Cantonese Phrases

Jun 5, 2021

馬來西亞學生來香港好不習慣!Adapting to life in Hong Kong. Cultural differences faced by Malaysian students.

Jun 16, 2021